Finding the ‘Fountain of Youth’ has long been a tale many individuals reference when hoping to slow the aging process. As a kid it seems time moves so slowly but as we age years always seem to get shorter. Moments and memories pass like the dotted lines in a road, building speed until our time here is finished. Developing healthy habits early in life can be beneficial but it’s never too late for a fresh start and putting the following ideas into practice will aid in holding onto the youth of days past.
Anti-Aging products industry is projected to be worth 83.2 billion in the next few years. These types of investments, many futile, only serve to prove the consumption individuals have with being able to ward off fate. Fortunately, there are plenty of helpful options which can be beneficial as individuals begin to climb the aging ladder.
Keeping annual physical appointments with your doctor and following up with any prescribed screens or checkups can be extremely beneficial. Early detection for signs of cancer or other disease is critical to treatment and can help slow the aging process. In addition, don’t forget about other health care providers (eye doctor, dentist, etc.) for ensuring your best shape for as long as possible.
Nearly everyone understands the importance of a healthy and well balanced diet but few follow through with the plan. Eating a variety of whole foods and limiting sugars, snacks, and processed foods will aid in helping you remain young.
Sleep is a critical component of health regardless of your age. Getting enough sleep will not only help you function daily but it can also leave you feeling rejuvenated and fresh regardless of how old you are.
A good exercise plan is another tool to battle the onslaught of aging. By getting at least 30 minutes of activity each day, individuals can help ward off the typical impacts of getting older such as stiff joints and back pain.
Drinking water instead of opting for soda or tea can also be beneficial. Not only will this healthy choice ensure you remain hydrated but it can also impact skin health and a variety of other physical features which keep you feeling young now and into the future.
Whether prescribed or preferred there are a number of supplements available which can also be beneficial as individuals age. Talk to your doctor about which options may be right for you and help supplement your diet, or target another area needing to be addressed with an available option for the best benefit.
If ready to find your own fountain of youth, our specially trained experts can assist in helping guide your journey to overall health and well being.
Life Extension has a call center available every day of the week, in addition to wellness specialists who are ready to help play an important role on your journey to becoming a more healthy individual.
Contact us in order to get started no matter where you are on your path to a better lifestyle.